Interior Design.
Made Simple.

Taking your design business from struggling artist to booked solid in 60 days.

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I help interior designers start and grow profitable residential interior design businesses.

Are you an interior designer struggling to work for someone else? Or maybe you have already gone out on your own and are struggling to get enough new clients?

My name is Emilee and I'm an interior designer who helps fellow designers start and build their own profitable interior design business. Most importantly I teach you how to get high value design clients (and no it is not posting on social media multiple times a day). On top of that here are some other items you can expect:

  • How to predictably attract new clients
  • How to legally set up your business entity and pay taxes
  • Manage projects like a pro
  • Ins-and-outs of utilizing streamlined software specifically for designers
  • How to hire tradespeople: accountant, subcontractors, white glove, etc.
  • And so much more!

If you are interested in starting your own interior design business and getting more clients with predictability click the button below to learn more.


Revenue In Two Years

I made $116k+ my first year in business, but had a feeling I could do even better. After finetuning my process, things took off fast! In my second year, I made over $178k — Now it's time to teach you.


Clients served

As my client base grew, so did my reach. I've happily served clients all over the country.

What sets this course above all the others?


Clear Roadmap

Easy to digest bite sized chunks with actionable to do's that make the daunting task of growing a successful interior design business feel easy.


Ongoing Updates

Since I currently have my own interior design business my finger is on the pulse of the industry trends. Including new marketing tools, methods and processes which I pass along to you.


1-On-1 Support

You have direct access to me via zoom calls to directly answer any questions that you may have or motivation you may need to overcome new hurdles. I've been there, I've done that, I've got you.

Let's get your design business fully up-and-running within 8 weeks.

In the next 8 weeks we will be covering how a business is started, how you price your work, how you fulfill the work, how you get new customers to come to you.

This will take dedication and consistency, you will need to step outside of your comfort zone to implement some of these steps but all are crucial for success.

Don't worry, though! These are bite sized pieces that keep you from becoming overwhelmed. Let's take a look at the course outline below...

Hi! I'm Emilee👋🏽

I'm an entrepreneur in Indianapolis who attended the Art Institute for Interior Design and I struck out on my own business journey at the age of 22.

My current consulting focus is on Residential Interior Design and I love to help new aspiring interior designers start and grow their own profitable interior design business!

I've grown my business from $0 to $169,000 yearly in under 2 years. I'm not saying this to brag, but to convey one simple fact — If I can do this, so can you.

I've been in your shoes. I've felt your struggles. This is why I am so passionate about helping you dominate your local design market.

So what can you expect? Let's take a look at the course outline below...

Week 1 📌

Everyone's gotta start somewhere. You probably feel a bit like an imposter. Not to worry! This is normal and we'll work through it together.

We'll start with the fundamentals. The 5 Major Pillars of a successful business:
  1. Sales
  2. Operations
  3. Finances
  4. Marketing
  5. Systems/Processes

Week 2 ⚙️

This week is all about getting a solid foundation of tools and software and implementing them into duplicatable processes.

  • Picking the right design software
  • Bookkeeping 101
  • Productivity that scales

Week 3 ⚖️

I'll be honest, this isn't the most exciting topic, but it's crucial nonetheless when dealing with the type of ideal clients you'll be targeting — Yes, legal structure and other jargon.

- Discuss the different types of entities you should use to limit liability
- Setting up a business bank account to keep your business expenses separate and tax deductible
- Retail Certificate to prove you are open to conduct business!

Week 4 🚀

Now we start moving into the exciting stuff. Setting up your website, social sharing, and how to get an inital inflow of leads.

  • Website setup whether using templates or from-scratch
  • Direct outreach to get some quick wins under your belt and some cash on the books
  • Best practices when setting up your social profiles to drive conversions

Week 5 🎨

This week we will zoom out and start painting a clearer picture of what our ideal business will look like down the road.

By focusing on your perfect customer network looks like you can craft clear messaging and start to become picky about who you work with. It might sound like a pipedream right now, but it's a beautiful thing when you get to this place in your designer journey.

Some other quick things this week will be how to scale using subcontractors. As well as leveraging outside professional services like lawyers, accountants, bookkeepers, and virtual assistants to keep your business growing. 📈

Week 6 🔽

This week is about onboarding your new clients efficiently, effectively, and with confidence!

  • Scheduling your calls
  • How to sell on the phone
  • Intake forms and retainer agreements

Week 7 🤑

Okay we have some clients on the books and we might be tempted to go on a shopping spree. Not so fast! There are some things we need to discuss first to make sure cash flow stays positive and our business can continue to grow!

This week we'll cover margins. In other words, how to price your jobs so everyone wins and you make sure you are left with profit in your bank account after taxes, materials, and labor!

Week 8 🏁

This week we will be wrapping up all the important details to ensure your success in this industry. This will cover things from finding the right General Contractors that won't jeopardize your reputation and how to manage projects successfully staying within budget and on-time.

We will also cover some red flags I've picked up on over the years that I believe to be crucial to making it in this business - My secret sauce, if you will. 😉

Remember we have weekly zoom calls together to tackle any issues you have

Schedule a call below to get started!

Book An Introduction Call